Jul 11, 2009

Advertising Methods and Strategies - Advertising, What is the Point?

Advertising Methods and Strategies - Advertising, What is the Point?: "Throughout my time studying marketing and advertisement I have seen many, many adverts. Some of them have been exceptional, and really do warrant some kind of award, but others, in fact most, fail dismally. They are missing the point of what an advert is meant to do, which is to capture our attention and imagination.

Why do they fail?

Before I go ahead and answer that, I'd like you to think about what makes a good advert to you, is it the text?, the images used? the message?, what is it?

In truth, and in a time when adverts surround us in every way (don't believe me, then just stop, look around, and see if you can see a brand name or advert), the best adverts are those created by 'thinking outside the box'. The ones that really capture our imagination, shock us or make us laugh.

Let's take Cadbury's Gorilla Advert, or Honda's Accord Advert, both of these examples were inspirational. The Gorilla playing the drums to a Phil Collins track to advertise chocolate! And an advert created purely from the parts of the car, like a dominoes effect until the car is finally revealed, superb!

Now let's compare that to something ordinary, such as an advert for double glazed windows...Here is a house without double glazing, and here is one with double glazing, this is the reason why double glazing is better, buy now.

Wow, I'm blown away, I'll remember that advert when it comes to changing my windows!

Granted, double glazing isn't the most interesting subject on the planet but the point I'm trying to make is that in order to have a successful advertising campaign, you really do need to stand out, to 'think outside the box'. For those that get the formula right, not only will you see an increase in sales, but your brand awareness will also increase, because people will talk about it if it shocks or amuses them. If you get it wrong, then you have literally wasted your money in even placing the advert.

So what is the formula?

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to creating adverts that capture the audience's attention, but there are certain things to include and to avoid:

* Include an element of comedy if possible (if it makes people laugh, they will remember it longer than one that doesn't)
* Include an element to shock if possible (some of the most talked about subjects are those that shock people, so use that to your advantage)
* Avoid anything that is used time and time again, look at your competitors, what are they doing and how can you stand out?
* Avoid the same old tired advert formats, such as all of the adverts that start with their company logo and company name. (The logo and name tell you nothing and will not capture a reader's attention, besides, 95% of the adverts all use this so you would not be standing out)

If you have not seen the adverts I mention above, then have a quick look (will open in a new window):
• Cadbury's Gorilla Advert
• Honda's Accord Advert

I appreciate that not everyone can afford television adverts, but the same advice can be applied to static adverts."

By Shaun Edwards
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shaun_Edwards

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