Jul 20, 2009

The Six Habits Of Successful Work At Home Entrepreneurs: GoArticles.com

The Six Habits Of Successful Work At Home Entrepreneurs: GoArticles.com: "The Six Habits Of Successful Work At Home Entrepreneurs by Peter Locuratolo

I recently attended an enlightening webinar given by Oliver Turner. Oliver is a young, successful internet entrepreneur, and outsourcing specialist who spoke about the Six Habits Of Successful Work-At-Home Entrepreneurs. I thought they were worth passing on.

Oliver's feeling is that success leaves footprints. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just follow in the footprints of other successful entrepreneurs. Do what they do...you will be successful too.

So here are six things that successful work at home entrepreneurs do:

Habit #1 Have Goals: You Must Know These Two Most Important Goals

1) What do you want your business to look like in 90 days? 2) What do you want your business to look like in 1 year? 5 years? 10 years?

Goals give us direction. They guide decisions. They keep us focused. All successful people have goals...you should have them. Spend some time thinking about these two.

Habit #2 The Daily 3

You must know the three most important things you should do each day to grow your business? What three things have the most impact on your business? What activities make you the most money? Identify those three activities, and do them every day without fail. You will see results.

Habit #3 Time Management

We all have a limited amount of time, and for some reason, we often let nonessential activities take over. Successful entrepreneurs do not let his happen. Although you might have chosen to work at home because of the freedom it affords you, discipline is essential.

Spend most of your time on your Daily 3, and limit time wasters. Oliver suggests 'scheduled interruptions' when you can deal with phone calls, email, checking stats, etc. Do these activities only twice a day. Stay focused.

Also, do the thing you hate most first. Get it out of the way, and you will feel great the rest of the day. Postpone it, and it will sap your energy all day long. Consider reading the book, or listening to the CD of Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy.

Habit #4 Take Aggressive Action (Ready-Fire-Aim)

Don't wait to take action. Everything doesn't need to be perfect in order for you to act. Learn...then implement. Repeat that over and over. Take action today on something...anything! You will see results.

Habit #5 Sharpen The Saw

A wise man who has two hours to cut down a tree, spends one hour sharpening his axe. Always continue to learn (that's your axe), but don't forget to act. Learn...implement...make adjustments... improve...learn some more...and implement again.

Oliver suggests 80% action and 20% learning. I don't know about you, but I am sometimes guilty of reversing that. As an example, after you have finished a book on something relevant to your business, implement it. Don't choose to read another book...at least not right away.

Habit #6 Rejuvenation

Take regular breaks from your work. Cycle work with relaxation and play periods.

Experiment and see what works best for you. Is it two hours of work and one hour of play? Try different combinations, and see what makes you the most productive...and ultimately, the most successful. Occasionally, take an entire day off.

Well there they are - the six habits of successful work at home entrepreneurs. Could there be six more? Probably...but you would be in good company just starting with these. Put them in place today and you will see results.

by Peter Locuratolo

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