Sep 9, 2009

Success in Online Marketing, 7 Things That Are Important to Make Money:

Success in Online Marketing, 7 Things That Are Important to Make Money: "Success in Online Marketing, how sweet it sounds. Just think of the lifestyle we could have. No more commuting, fighting traffic. Less wear and tear on our automobiles, lower gas bills, reduced possibilities of being in an accident, lower insurance rates. The peace of mind knowing that our future is sound and secure, never again having to be concerned about money and making money. And let us not forget the most important benefit to being successful online and that is more quality time with our families, a lot more. Let's face it there are many, many benefits that drive us to want to succeed online over the internet.

But how do we ensure that we will be successful? The internet seems to be bigger than planet earth with so much to learn and a myriad of different paths to choose. The only thing that will really guarantee our success is what is already inside of each one of us but at different levels of strength and weakness. Some of us are gifted in one area and others gifted in another. This article discusses some of the attributes that we just might need to develop in order to be successful in online marketing over the internet. For that matter in any business or career.

1. Goals Are They Important? Yes,Yes,Yes!

We have all heard much about how important it is to set goals for our life. How many of us have really sat down and written out our goals. The beginning of every year sees a slew of New Year resolutions quickly thrown together. To work from home successfully you need to write some really clear and definitive goals. Really, Goals can be thought of as A Master List For Accomplishments. There are many goals that you can write covering every facet of your daily life.

Remember your daily life is going to impact strongly on your goals so when composing your goals make sure you include daily routines in your life. Both expected and potentially unexpected. For example let's say you set a goal to lose 20lbs in two months. This is going to include a regimen of diet and exercise.

But being a social butterfly and popular you are constantly being asked to go out to eat at restaurants. If you do not acknowledge this when writing your goal you will be off track in the first week that you commence working towards your goal. You will need to make some sacrifices. If you are serious about attaining your goals.

2. Organization, it helps everything seem easier.

There is a show being broadcasted these days on television. It is called 'How Clean Is Your House?' starring Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie Britain's hottest grime fighters. These two ladies uncover filth and clutter in peoples homes. Other than being lazy this all starts with being disorganized. I learned early in life taught to me by my Father this invaluable truth. There needs to be a place for everything and everything in its place.

Being organized is so vital to one thing that has to happen to be successful making money online. And that is to be productive. So you need to organize your work space. A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind. And you need to organize your virtual desktop. That being your computer. The best way to keep your computer organized is to first of all stop downloading every free software program presented to you. Stick to the basics. Only have on your computer what you really need to write your articles and do your marketing. Don't fill up your desktop with a 1000 icons. Create folders for everything in categories that will help you find what you are looking for when you need it.

3. Focus, the ability to stay on task until it is completed.

Do you get distracted easily? Yours truly does and it is a real red light in trying to be productive. Especially when connected to the Internet. Emails keep coming in presenting the latest best way to make money online. Here are two simple things I do when I am trying to get something accomplished.

First I close my email program and next I actually disconnect from the Internet. These are where most of the distractions come from when working on my computer. That was easy. Of course there are other distractions so it might be smart to close the office door or as I have done take the laptop and get out of the home altogether. You might just get inspired sitting on a park bench or your local coffee shop. Whatever you do you have to keep focused. Try to keep only the task at hand in your mind until it is completed. You will have a real sense of accomplishment and the next time it will be easier.

4. Work Ethic, the commitment one makes to never slacking off.

Without this key ingredient you might as well give up before you start. In order to be successful online and make lots of money you will have to be consistent. Placing an ad one day and not doing it again for 7 days will never work. You need to place many ads in many places every day. Without fail and writing an article once a month won't help either. It really is easy to bang out a 500 or 600 word article. Look at this article it will be well over 1000 words by the time it is done. One a day maybe even more, if time is not an issue, should be no problem.

5. Drive, as in resolve to achieving ones goal.

Are you a driven person? Many people who are successful describe themselves as being driven. They have a built in sense of urgency to get things done. You do need drive to get ahead. If you are one who does not have this naturally, actually you do, it is a built in human instinct to want to get ahead, and it has probably become dormant due to circumstances in life that you allowed to control you. So wake it up. Join a fitness club; start eating right you will have more energy. Start reading good books about successful people to inspire you. Determine in your mind to achieve what you conceive. And go for it.

6. Imagination, the ability to be creative with your mind.

Ever heard of Walt Disney? We all have and many of us grew up watching his show on TV. Walt always had something to say before the broadcast and after the broadcast and these were the days of black and white television at least that is what we had in our home. His entire kingdom was built on imagination. And so will your Internet business. Actually we think of it more as creativity. You should spend some time learning to write a good compelling ad. Writing ad copy is something the pros do very well. It blows me away when I see some of the ad copy on the Internet. Pages and pages of the same thing written in different ways to keep you reading and to direct you to finally click on the get started now icon. Even writing a short classified ad if done properly can bring in a lot of business.

7. Patience, what's this for?

So you have place an ad in the classifieds of Craigs List or Backpage or US Free Ads or any number of online sites. Maybe you spent some money and bought a solo ad. Now your work is done and its time to wait and let the sales roll in. Are you kidding? No way unless you know the winning number for the lottery. Remember placing many ads, writing many articles, creating many blogs, creating many back links, joining many forums and social groups is necessary to really truly succeed. It will not happen overnight but it will happen if you are patient.

I know there a lot of programs out there that say it is easy. Well it is easy but it takes work. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to make money with your computer. Hopefully the topics discussed here may help you in having Success in Online Marketing. If You need a break and need to cool off read about the Ice Road Community and the hit show about Ice Road Truckers."

by Dennis Morris


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